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Under the frozen tundra near Mammoth Mountain in Siberia, rested an ancient, frozen, female, fully-intact, baby woolly mammoth that last walked the then-fertile landscape more than 40,000 years ago. A Russian-led team of scientific discoverers who found hernamed the 500 pound baby “Lyuba,” which means “Love” in Russian.

About Lyuba

 Local tribes of indigenous Siberians,who shared the same landscape, frozen in time and ice, also remained largely unchanged over thepassage of thousands of years – as did an ancient, immortal, patriarchal form of Bacillus; which is a single-celled life form, alive and completely unchanged by the geological and environmental changes over eons.

This immortal miracle of life, existing in the coldest, most inhospitable region of Asia formed an equallyhistoric bond between baby Lyuba and the tribes – all were surprisingly healthy and very long-lived. 

Aftercareful examination, the scientists, led by Dr. Anatoli Brouchkov, a professor at Moscow State University,discovered the long-lives and robust health shared by these hearty Siberians results from Bacillus Lyuba™being the constant in their respective diets.Dr. Brouchkov and his team discovered of Bacillus Lyuba™ has certain extraordinarily large DNA proteinchains that provide reactive cellular enhancement as protection against genetic mutations caused by solarand other forms of radiation.

 The science has since revealed that Bacillus Lyuba™ not only providesprotection from all forms of dangerous radiation but also repairs broken or mutated DNA protein chains ofconsuming host organisms, which our peer-reviewed scientific studies demonstrate; they can be found at

Everything you need to Build Your Strength

What We Offer

DNA Repair

DNA-Repair and Cell Enhancement Qualities of Lyuba are the Key Ingredients in Suppliment

Repairs broken or mutated DNA protein chains

The science has since revealed that Bacillus Lyuba™ not only providesprotection from all forms of dangerous radiation but also repairs broken or mutated DNA protein chains of consuming host organisms.

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