
DNA-repair and cellular enhancement qualities of Lyuba™ are the key ingredient in this
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A.Brouchkov,V.Melnikov G.Griva and V. Repin Read More
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Nowadays, there is growing interest in new compositions and drugs that can preserve and maintain human health.There are many studies on both known probiotics and new sources of biologically active substances which may potentially be new avenues for human longevity. Here, we describe the protective e”ect of cell lysates of the relict bacteria Bacillus sp. F (Bacilus Lyuba), isolated from the ancient permafrost of Central Yakutia, upon DNA damage, induced by hydrogen peroxide. The DNA damage was monitored by a comet assay in leukocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of experimental animals (BALB/c mice). Cell lysates were prepared using the French Press and ultrasonic treatment. The Levels of DNA damage in the presence of bacterial lysates upon the stress test (20μM hydrogen peroxide for 10min at 37°C) were almost twice lower, compared with the bu”er control. 

Of note, the maximal protective e”ect was observed in the temperature range of 50°C–60°C; with the increase of the temperature, this e”ect vanished. The obtained results do not give a clear answer on the mechanism of the protective properties of Bacillus sp. F. (Bacilus Lyuba) lysates. To answer this question, a detailed analysis of the protein composition of bacterial lysate at di”erent temperatures should be performed.

The beneficial properties of probiotics for improving health, modulating the immune system, and treating many diseases are well documented for now. Some bacteria might exhibit unique properties, especially the ancient, for example, bacteria from amber and from salt crystals that survived for more than 40 million years and 250 million years , respectively. 

We think that ancient permafrost bacteria that survived for more than 2 million years developed the special mechanisms of DNA repair or protection. There are prerequisites that such bacteria may also be e”ective in prolonging life and reducing the consequences of oxidative stress.When soil is partially or totally formed by frozen water, frozen ground occurs, and if it is frozen all year long, it is called permafrost. Permafrost has existed for thousands and millions of years. Usually, it is formed mostly by mineral particles and ice (20%–70%), and unfrozen water (1%–7%) as well. Permafrost makes up about 20% of theearth’s land surface], and a major part of the biosphere is constantly below +5°C. Microorganisms were found in glaciers , as well as in permafrost. The larger part of the bacteria living in permafrost is viable but nonculturable. Most probably, such bacteria exist in a dormant state, even though metabolic activity was shown

 Journal of Applied
Rafael Palhano Fedato,
Edson Luis Maistro

Persistence of DNA damage in the freshwater mussel Unio pictorum upon exposure dormant state, even though metabolic activity was shown even under frozen conditions. Several methodic proposals (aseptic subcoring, gradual melting, or use of chemical washing) were suggested to enhance #eld work. There are reports that support the predominance of nonspore-forming bacteria in ancient permafrost due to their ability to remain metabolically active at low temperatures.

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